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    Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95

    That Guy
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    IGN : Shippuu
    Posts : 359
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    Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95 Empty Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95

    Post by Shippuu Wed Nov 23, 2016 6:41 pm

    This is a rather massive update, so I'll just list the high notes first:

    [tree title="Chapter 2 Episode 3"]
    [branch title="Major Changes"]
    [entry]Episode 3 has been added, taking place in an icy area. The raid boss for this region is a Dullahan.[/entry]
    [entry]The level cap has been increased to 95.[/entry]
    [entry]Level 95 composite weapons and armor have been added.[/entry]
    [entry]Transformation has been significantly revamped.[/entry]
    [branch title="Less Major Changes"]
    [entry]A pair of level 90 rings, and a pair of level 85 belts has been added.[/entry]
    [entry]An r6 weapon prefix, and two r6 heavy/plate prefixes have been added.[/entry]
    [entry]The DEF cap has been raised from 19,000 to 21,000.[/entry]
    [entry]r9 and r8 Enchant Scrolls will no longer have a chance to break items.[/entry]
    [entry]Several raid bosses have had their stats increased.[/entry]
    [entry]A few minor quality of life improvements for story progression. (Such as being able to skip quest dialogue on alts, if you have done the quest before).[/entry]


    Stats - 19,400 ATT, 18,500 DEF, 140 Critical, 105 Critical Resistance
    HP: Solo - 4,387,500 : Duo - 5,850,000 : Trio - 7,605,000 : 4+ - 9,945,000

    Stat caps: 28,500 ATT (30,800 with absolutely all Remove ATT Limit), 155 Critical (170 Lann), 140 Critical Resistance

    Dullahan Raid Videos:
    Arisha solo - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llkoIsQNqVo
    Full party - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8YaYre-ntU

    Dullahan Raid BGM

    Dullahan weapon images (Level 95 equipment):

    Long Hammer
    Twin Sword
    Twin Spear
    Cross Gun
    Twin Chainblade
    Phantom Dagger
    Bastard Sword

    Dullahan armor images (Level 95 equipment):

    The full female set: http://www.inven.co.kr/board/powerbbs.php?come_idx=2471&l=35243
    Full female set 2: Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95 I16333130107
    Full male set: Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95 I15067909956
    Individual Pieces:

    Level 95 Composite Material Stats:

    Minimum Stats:

    Plate Armor (133 Stones per piece)
    Helmet Primary: 1578 DEF, 3 Critical Resistance
    Chest Armor Primary: 997 DEF, 4 Critical Resistance
    Leg Armor Primary: 913 DEF, 6 Critical Resistance
    Foot Armor Primary: 1578 DEF, 3 Critical Resistance
    Hand Armor Primary: 1578 DEF, 3 Critical Resistance
    Solid Chunk: 144 STR, 194 INT, 11 Critical Resistance
    Smooth Chunk: 714 DEF, 3 Critical Resistance

    Small Shield Primary: 1975 DEF, 1 Critical Resistance
    Large Shield Primary: 2353 DEF, 1 Critical Resistance
    Weapon Primary: 8258 ATT, 8258 M.ATT, 3 Attack Speed
    Keen Chunk: 24 Balance, 36 Critical
    Stable Chunk: 37 Balance
    Lightweight Chunk: 24 Critical, 4 Attack Speed
    Perfect Chunk: 5506 ATT, 5506 M.ATT

    Maximum Stats:

    Plate Armor (133 Stones per piece)
    Helmet Primary: 1856 DEF, 3 Critical Resistance
    Chest Armor Primary: 1172 DEF, 5 Critical Resistance
    Leg Armor Primary: 1075 DEF, 8 Critical Resistance
    Foot Armor Primary: 1856 DEF, 3 Critical Resistance
    Hand Armor Primary: 1856 DEF, 3 Critical Resistance
    Solid Chunk: 180 STR, 90 AGI, 243 INT, 80 WIL, 14 Critical Resistance
    Smooth Chunk: 840 DEF, 4 Critical Resistance

    Total Armor Stats
    Regina: 7970 DEF, 93 Critical Resistance, 1000 STR, 450 AGI, 1350 INT, 400 WIL, 960 Damage Reflection
    Dullahan: 9820 DEF, 100 Critical Resistance, 1007 STR, 450 AGI, 1360 INT, 400 WIL, 960 Damage Reflection
    Net Difference: 1850 DEF, 7 Critical Resistance, 7 STR, 10 INT

    Small Shield Primary: 2324 DEF, 1 Critical Resistance
    Large Shield Primary: 2768 DEF, 1 Critical Resistance
    Weapon Primary: 8880 ATT, 8880 M.ATT, 4 Attack Speed
    Keen Chunk: 27 Balance, 40 Critical
    Stable Chunk: 41 Balance, 44 STR, 24 AGI, 59 INT, 32 WIL
    Lightweight Chunk: 27 Critical, 5 Attack Speed
    Perfect Chunk: 5920 ATT, 5920 M.ATT, 66 STR, 36 AGI, 89 INT, 48 WIL

    Total Weapon Stats:
    Regina: 11,800 ATT, 11,800 M.ATT, 75 Balance, 52 Critical, 9 Attack Speed, 110 STR, 59 AGI, 148 INT, 80 WIL, 2000 Remove ATT Limit
    Dullahan: 14,800 ATT, 14,800 M.ATT, 68 Balance, 67 Critical, 9 Attack Speed, 110 STR, 59 AGI, 148 INT, 80 WIL, 2000 Remove ATT Limit
    Net Difference: 3000 ATT, 3000 M.ATT, -7 Balance, 15 Critical


    Inven post about it here, can't read Korean: http://www.inven.co.kr/board/powerbbs.php?come_idx=2471&l=35199

    Skills were changed heavily, and relocated to the main stats screen, but here is an overview of what I understand so far:

    Instead of getting one path point to spend per level of trans, or even having a transformation level, you now accumulate TP with each transformation. This TP is spent like AP, on transformation skills on your skill pages. The max TP you can gather is 80,000, at which point you will have maxed every skill for your path.

    The DK Stamina Aura and the DK Paladin Aura seem to have been removed. In their place, it looks like a skill called Transcendence was given. This skill has six ranks, and each rank gives you 300 Remove ATT Limit, for a total of 1800 when maxed.

    The DEF boosting skills for Paladin, and the ATT boosting skills for Dark Knight seem to be gone, along with the Str/Agi/Int/Wil boosting skills Potential and Destiny. I assume that these bonuses are now part of the transformation itself, rather than something you have to unlock.

    Level 90 Rings, Level 85 Belts

    These are Google translated names, so bear with them for now:

    Level 90 rings
    Frozen Dagger: 1 Balance, 140 STR, 70 AGI, 80 WIL, 125 HP
    Frozen Thorn: 1 Balance, 140 STR, 70 AGI, 80 WIL, 125 HP
    Frozen Desire: 1 Balance, 70 AGI, 180 INT, 80 WIL, 125 HP
    Frozen Will: 1 Balance, 70 AGI, 180 INT, 80 WIL, 125 HP

    There are two STR rings and two INT rings, each with identical stats to the other; this isn't a typo. Frozen Dagger and Frozen Desire are part of Chapter 2 Episode 4, and so do not actually exist in KR yet. The names are Google Translate combined with guesswork. Still waiting for a proper translation from a knowledgeable person.

    These ring pairs share a set bonus. When you wear the two different STR rings together, they give a +1 Critical set bonus. The two INT rings offer the same +1 Critical bonus when worn together.

    The Dead, Crescent Moonlight's, and the other special ES *CAN* be placed on these rings.

    Level 85 belts
    Belt of Despair: 2 Balance, 140 STR, 90 AGI, 100 WIL
    Belt of Grief: 2 Balance, 90 AGI, 188 INT, 100 WIL

    Subdued *CAN* be placed on these belts.

    The Inven post showing these accessories:

    Rank 6 Prefix Scrolls

    These new ES cannot be used on Lv.90 equipment due to the Max Enchant Rank 7 cap, but will work on literally any other gear. I have checked on the 12/15 KR client, and confirmed that this is still the case.

    These new r6s are basically Twinkling 3.0, Memorable 2.0, and Reinforced 2.0, so to appreciably explain them, I will list their existing variants as well as their stats.

    rB Twinkling: 7 Critical, -10 Critical Resistance
    r7 Immoral: 220 ATT, 220 M.ATT, 8 Critical, 4 Attack Speed, -5 Critical Resistance
    r6 Chaotic: 340 ATT, 340 M.ATT, 9 Critical, 4 Attack Speed, -4 Critical Resistance

    r7 Memorable: 1 Balance, 2 Critical, 2 Attack Speed, 100 DEF, 2 Critical Resistance, (35 ATT/M.ATT on Heavy Armor)
    r6 Heartless: 2 Balance, 2 Critical, 2 Attack Speed, 200 DEF, 4 Critical Resistance, (70 ATT/M.ATT on Heavy Armor)

    r7 Reinforced: 2 Balance, 1 Critical, 2 Attack Speed, 150 DEF, -1 Critical Resistance, (35 ATT/M.ATT on Heavy Armor)
    r6 Weeping: 3 Balance, 2 Critical, 2 Attack Speed, 300 DEF, -2 Critical Resistance, (70 ATT/M.ATT on Heavy Armor)

    Enchant Scroll Changes

    As the headings say, r9 and r8 scrolls will not break gear anymore when failed.

    Translations that r7 and r6 Enchant Scrolls would have higher success rates turned out to be false. This is not the case, I have directly confirmed it via the 12/15 KR client. They are still 40% max success, 40% break chance.

    Stat Increases to Raid Bosses:

    Royal Raids
    HP: No Change
    ATT: 16,500 -> 18,500
    DEF: 13,000 -> 16,000
    Critical Resistance: 70 -> 90
    Critical: 100 -> 125

    HP: No Change
    ATT: 14,000 -> 16,000
    DEF: 11,000 -> 14,000
    Critical Resistance: 56-57 -> 80
    Critical: 30 -> 115

    Abyssal Arena:
    HP: No Change
    ATT: +2k (These varied from 12,900 to 17,900 pre-buff)
    DEF: +2k (Varied from 8000 to 13,200 pre-buff)
    Critical Resistance: Unchanged
    Critical: Unchanged

    Original Post:

    As more information arises, I will edit the title of this thread and append the information here.

    Last edited by Shippuu on Tue Apr 04, 2017 8:00 pm; edited 36 times in total
    That Guy
    Server :
    • NA East

    IGN : Shippuu
    Posts : 359
    Joined : 2015-12-17

    Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95 Empty Re: Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95

    Post by Shippuu Tue Nov 29, 2016 8:44 pm

    Concept art of the C2EP3 weapons:

    Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95 15171109_1192262670811320_7632408984905655565_n

    You can tell it's real, because the spears are midget spears again.

    The text refers to checking back next week for the second weapon info, apparently.
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    Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95 Empty Re: Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95

    Post by TheDayInLove Wed Nov 30, 2016 12:08 am


    This boss seem like the work of the guy who designed Eochaid.

    Heroes who have reached Berbhe, the underground city will come back to the ground in this episode, but it’s frozen and they have to face a new trial.

    Dullahan is a huge knight’s armor that has lost his soul, and he followed someone else’s instruction and fight against our heroes.

    Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95 OfkTnWN
    His soul is sealed in the center of the arena.

    Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95 RMf3CHm

    Dullahan is the armor of an ancient hero that someone (animated?) by pouring magic into it. The soul fragments left inside the armor seeking for the lost head and will eventually find it out.

    Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95 QtqR1S6
    During the battle, the armor can be splitting into pieces and using new attack.

    In early stage, he mostly attacking with his sword. When the seal is released and he get his lost soul back, he will become the real deal with a few different attack. Player must work together to separate the soul from Dullahan, and you can keep them separated.

    Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95 NCmUEfE
    Dullahan united with his soul

    When his HP drop below a certain amount, the soul become enraged and have powerful attack.

    Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95 CzmJ1RJ
    Dullahan separated from his soul

    (He is standing in  the spot his sealed soul was. Maybe that's the trick to keep the body and soul separated?)


    Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95 PwYvja1

    Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95 Y8S6Dji

    Boss of battles, the Deep Freeze, Deep Fried, Death Freeze... can't work out the name
    Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95 T9Pl39x
    They are smart . Since they are living in Donegal, they mostly using ice attack.

    Cardinal, another boss using a huge spellbook.
    Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95 HlGm3UD
    Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95 269oIEM
    Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95 XHIfL3N
    Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95 IVKdHA7
    If getting hit by too many of Cardinal's spell, you can be frozen in place. Press movement keys to break the ice.

    Johanus, leader of the Deep Freeze or whatever the name is XD
    Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95 RSyNGzb
    Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95 Uwn9mZ2
    He can use other bosses's weapons, and his attack with those weapon is even stronger. He have his own weapon though.
    “Only quick movement can guarantee your survival against Johanus, since this guys has continous combo instead of single attack”
    That Guy
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    IGN : Shippuu
    Posts : 359
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    Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95 Empty Re: Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95

    Post by Shippuu Thu Dec 15, 2016 5:08 am

    The previous translation of the KR Dev Note, about r6 and r7 scrolls having higher success rates turned out to be a misinterpretation, even though it was read by an actual KR player, and Dragonblade901.

    I will assume it to be a case of vague wording, and that something else was increased instead.
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    Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95 Empty Re: Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95

    Post by Inferius Thu Dec 15, 2016 6:56 am

    This 95lvl gear can be maxed out in first update? Just like current regina and rest now?
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    Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95 Empty Re: Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95

    Post by jjX___ Sat Dec 17, 2016 4:51 pm

    Ooooh trans revamp.

    1: What's the status of Fissure/Conviction? Does it have to be ranked up with TP? Does it have multiple ranks?

    2: What happens to players who are currently lvl40 trans? Do we get the skills unlocked for free? Or do we get TP? Or do we restart from zero?

    3: Now that the auras are gone, is there a difference between Paladin/DK other than the visuals & the active?
    That Guy
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    IGN : Shippuu
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    Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95 Empty Re: Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95

    Post by Shippuu Sat Dec 17, 2016 5:39 pm

    jjX___ wrote:Ooooh trans revamp.

    1: What's the status of Fissure/Conviction? Does it have to be ranked up with TP? Does it have multiple ranks?

    2: What happens to players who are currently lvl40 trans? Do we get the skills unlocked for free? Or do we get TP? Or do we restart from zero?

    3: Now that the auras are gone, is there a difference between Paladin/DK other than the visuals & the active?

    1: Nope. Encroach and Discipline still exist, or whatever they were renamed to, if they got renamed.

    2: Levels cease to exist, and exp seems to carry over at a rate of 1:1 to TP. Lv.40 trans requires 80,000 EXP, so you get 80,000 TP. Incidentally, 80,000 is the total cap for TP.

    3: Aside from missiles petrifying/slowing, no. Not from what I can see at least.

    Last edited by Shippuu on Tue Jan 17, 2017 12:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95 Empty Re: Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95

    Post by boddole Tue Jan 17, 2017 12:51 pm

    Any recommendations on minimum stats to attempt this area / raid without dragging your team down?
    That Guy
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    IGN : Shippuu
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    Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95 Empty Re: Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95

    Post by Shippuu Tue Jan 17, 2017 12:58 pm

    The idea of stat capping everything and steamrolling raids only became a thing later into Season 2.

    Dullahan has 5500 more DEF and 25 more Critical Resistance than previous Season 3 raids, it is unrealistic to expect to immediately cap him.

    I would say the same as I usually say nowadays. If people are putting up stat requirements for boats, or expecting certain stat minimums, you shouldn't party with them; they are probably asking those stats so that they can be carried. I can't say what stats a Lv.95 weapon should be able to easily push out, because that depends on too many things.
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    Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95 Empty Re: Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95

    Post by boddole Tue Jan 17, 2017 4:46 pm

    Sounds reasonable, I figured it might be somewhat close to how S3 was (at least when I came back), that ~19k was a good starting point (so 4k under the cap), which would put the new stuff at around 24k to start (I know I tried S3 with ~17.5k ATT and it was definitely a painful / or just plain slow experience. So I figured ~19k is about right for a 'not terrible experience').

    As far as the weapon goes, I'm guessing they won't make the mats available though the seal shop so the 'average' weapon would be something between a low - mid grade OJ as they are now +3k ATT.

    I should have asked this in the last post but: any guess on how long lvl 95 will 'be the cap'? A year, multiple years? Just wondering what the implications are as far as either picking up and working on new gear vs. maxing the lvl 90 gear out (since that gear can still get close to the new ATT cap).
    That Guy
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    IGN : Shippuu
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    Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95 Empty Re: Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95

    Post by Shippuu Wed Jan 18, 2017 12:39 am

    The norm for new level tier equipment is about two years of straight up dominance. Once the level uncap comes after that point, it really depends on the specific gear.

    +14 and +15 Lv.90s are still entirely viable, and can steamroll Lv.95s if they have Remove ATT Limit raised highly, so they are still very useful.
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    Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95 Empty Re: Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95

    Post by KillaJZ Sun Feb 05, 2017 12:02 am

    Could the new 95 gear materials be bought with seals??
    That Guy
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    IGN : Shippuu
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    Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95 Empty Re: Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95

    Post by Shippuu Sun Feb 05, 2017 12:07 pm

    There is no way to know that until the update.
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    Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95 Empty Re: Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95

    Post by Rajivrocks Mon Feb 20, 2017 3:27 pm

    I have a quick question. Is this update gonna be launched before or after Hurks 2nd weapon and what is the timeline on this?
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    Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95 Empty Re: Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95

    Post by KillaJZ Sat Mar 11, 2017 4:04 pm

    Hey Shippuu, I've heard that r7 scrolls will bump down to r8 when Dullahan update comes and r8 doesn't break gear. Is this true? I haven't seen anything to confirm this so I'm not sure if I should hold off on enchanting my stuff with r7 right now
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    Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95 Empty Re: Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 3: Dullahan and Lv.95

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