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    My Domain Name's 403 Error (And Discontinuation)

    That Guy
    Server :
    • NA East

    IGN : Shippuu
    Posts : 359
    Joined : 2015-12-17

    My Domain Name's 403 Error (And Discontinuation) Empty My Domain Name's 403 Error (And Discontinuation)

    Post by Shippuu Mon May 15, 2017 5:31 am

    So my actual site vanished, some may have noticed. This wasn't voluntary, but I'll give a recap of what happened to cause the direct termination of it. Since I closed down actual use of it many months ago, I am not reopening it anywhere; that wouldn't make sense to do.

    On April 27, biz.nf automatically billed me to renew my domain name. I requested it be refunded and the automated billing cancelled, which they agreed to both of, and said both were done.

    On May 15 (today) I was billed again. They refused to refund me initially, and when I asked again, they refunded me then banned my account with them. This makes no sense, but whatever, I still have the time on the domain name that I paid for.

    I still own the domain name until May 2018, and I will see about redirecting it to my forums in the meantime, instead of that silly 403 error. EDIT: They are refusing me access to the domain name until I pay them the amount they fraudulently billed me and were forced to refund. I think that I will just leave it like this and let it serve as a billboard to not use their service.

    In the event that the domain name stops working entirely, my forums are located at vindmanual.forumotion.com. On August 1, I will deactivate the domain name over my forums. At that point, only vindmanual.forumotion.com will be able to access them. Please make sure to update any bookmarks and etc by then. You can go ahead and use that address now if you want.

    If you suddenly get taken to a different looking site, or a whole different site entirely, by the domain, notify me ASAP. I will not be redesigning my forums or relocating them, so this would mean my web host is doing shady stuff and I would need to counteract it.

    Just wanted to post this to provide an explanation to what is going on.

    And additionally as recommendation to never use biz.nf.

    Last edited by Shippuu on Tue Aug 01, 2017 11:17 am; edited 2 times in total
    Posts : 2
    Joined : 2017-06-14

    My Domain Name's 403 Error (And Discontinuation) Empty Re: My Domain Name's 403 Error (And Discontinuation)

    Post by Kristof Thu Jun 15, 2017 6:54 am

    Man! Bring the ARMORY back !!!!
    It's the best thing that ever existed for vindictus players.
    Why it's still down?
    Posts : 2
    Joined : 2017-06-14

    My Domain Name's 403 Error (And Discontinuation) Empty Re: My Domain Name's 403 Error (And Discontinuation)

    Post by Kristof Thu Jun 15, 2017 6:59 am

    I know it was closed cuz Sanitee was banned.
    But there's even a letter from Sanitee on vindictusinn.com
    Its time to move on ...
    That Guy
    Server :
    • NA East

    IGN : Shippuu
    Posts : 359
    Joined : 2015-12-17

    My Domain Name's 403 Error (And Discontinuation) Empty Re: My Domain Name's 403 Error (And Discontinuation)

    Post by Shippuu Thu Jun 15, 2017 9:52 pm

    Sanitee has her opinions and I have mine. I will not support Nexon NA by re-publishing my web tools, and that is all there is to it. When they close down or another company somehow obtains rights to Vindictus in North America, then I will look into it.

    Your complaint is off-topic to this thread though. This thread is intended as notification that I have lost control of the domain name/site due to unforeseen questionable actions by the web host (I cannot outright call it theft due to legal concerns as a result of doing so.)

    Using this post to re-iterate that on August 1st I am dropping the domain name from my forums, and that any bookmarks using it need to be updated to direct to vindmanual.forumotion.com before then.
    That Guy
    Server :
    • NA East

    IGN : Shippuu
    Posts : 359
    Joined : 2015-12-17

    My Domain Name's 403 Error (And Discontinuation) Empty Re: My Domain Name's 403 Error (And Discontinuation)

    Post by Shippuu Thu Jul 20, 2017 1:22 am

    August 1st is less than two weeks away, and at that time all links to forums.vindictusmanual.com will stop working.

    Please adjust any bookmarks/etc accordingly beforehand.
    That Guy
    Server :
    • NA East

    IGN : Shippuu
    Posts : 359
    Joined : 2015-12-17

    My Domain Name's 403 Error (And Discontinuation) Empty Re: My Domain Name's 403 Error (And Discontinuation)

    Post by Shippuu Tue Aug 01, 2017 11:18 am

    As of around 12:30 AM, the detachment has been completed.

    The result is a more graceful failure than I expected or hoped for, certainly better than it pointing to that random unrelated site.

    Since this is no longer a relevant post, it has been unpinned and locked.
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    My Domain Name's 403 Error (And Discontinuation) Empty Re: My Domain Name's 403 Error (And Discontinuation)

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