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    Bracelet Gem Stats

    That Guy
    Server :
    • NA East

    IGN : Shippuu
    Posts : 359
    Joined : 2015-12-17

    Bracelet Gem Stats Empty Bracelet Gem Stats

    Post by Shippuu Sun Nov 06, 2016 3:22 pm

    After some discussion today about gems in Discord, I decided it was worth a thread compiling together some information, since the way they work is interesting.

    To start with, gems themselves do not show the rolls they will have, or even hint at them. Unlike composite materials, the rolls your gem has are not decided until after you insert it into a bracelet. You can't know if it will be a good or bad roll gem until it is already consumed, which makes the expensive Superior gems quite a gamble.

    All four stats on each gem are random, within a pre-defined range. These ranges happen to be very wide, resulting in significant variance. Significant enough that a poorly rolled Superior gem can actually be worse than a merely average Fine gem. In this aspect, Superior gems are not worth using. However, their maximums are far above the max that Fine gems can reach, so there is a great payoff to be had if you get lucky.

    Having said all of that, have an info dump on these maximum and minimum values:

    [table2 width="375px"]
    [title]Gem Maxes and Mins[/title]
    [cell color="#E3C765"]Gem Name[/cell]
    [cell color="#E3C765"]Min Roll[/cell]
    [cell color="#E3C765"]Max[/cell]
    [cell]Exquisite Diamond[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]400[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]750[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]350[/cell]
    [cell]Superior Diamond[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]250[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]550[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]300[/cell]
    [cell]Fine Diamond[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]125[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]350[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]225[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]50[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]175[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]125[/cell]
    [cell]Flawed Diamond[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]30[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]105[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]75[/cell]
    [cell color="transparent" background="transparent"]Break[/cell]
    [cell color="transparent" background="transparent"]Break[/cell]
    [cell color="transparent" background="transparent"]Break[/cell]
    [cell color="transparent" background="transparent"]Break[/cell]
    [cell]Exquisite Sapphire[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]400[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]750[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]350[/cell]
    [cell]Superior Sapphire[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]250[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]550[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]300[/cell]
    [cell]Fine Sapphire[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]125[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]350[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]225[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]50[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]175[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]125[/cell]
    [cell]Flawed Sapphire[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]30[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]105[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]75[/cell]
    [cell color="transparent" background="transparent"]Break[/cell]
    [cell color="transparent" background="transparent"]Break[/cell]
    [cell color="transparent" background="transparent"]Break[/cell]
    [cell color="transparent" background="transparent"]Break[/cell]
    [cell]Exquisite Emerald[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]425[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]850[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]425[/cell]
    [cell]Superior Emerald[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]275[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]650[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]375[/cell]
    [cell]Fine Emerald[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]150[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]450[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]300[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]50[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]225[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]175[/cell]
    [cell]Flawed Emerald[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]30[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]135[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]105[/cell]
    [cell color="transparent" background="transparent"]Break[/cell]
    [cell color="transparent" background="transparent"]Break[/cell]
    [cell color="transparent" background="transparent"]Break[/cell]
    [cell color="transparent" background="transparent"]Break[/cell]
    [cell]Exquisite Ruby[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]450[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]850[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]400[/cell]
    [cell]Superior Ruby[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]300[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]650[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]350[/cell]
    [cell]Fine Ruby[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]175[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]450[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]275[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]75[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]250[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]175[/cell]
    [cell]Flawed Ruby[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]45[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#C9C9C9"]150[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]105[/cell]

    Addendum: Secondary Stat Ranges*:
    Exquisite - 35-95
    Superior - 25-75
    Fine - 15-55
    Regular - 5-35
    Flawed - 5-23

    * - Sapphires are quirky, and have slightly different minimums/ranges, but the same maxes.

    You'll notice that I chose to include the range between max and min in the main table. Knowing it is actually just as useful as knowing the maximums, as you can use it to roughly guess what the average roll will be, and from there decide if you are satisfied with the stats your gem landed on.

    Gem rolls actually tend to favor landing right about in the middle of their possible range, with a general variance of maybe about 10% away from it. This means that if you use a series of gems back to back, they will all roll pretty much the same stats, unless you get lucky (or unlucky). Here is a table of just the average rolls of each gem, secondary stats included:

    [table2 width="360px"]
    [title]Average Gem Stats[/title]
    [cell color="#E3C765"]Gem Name[/cell]
    [cell color="#E3C765"]Stats[/cell]
    [cell]Exquisite Diamond[/cell]
    [cell padding="2px 0 2px 20px"]575 ATT, 65 M.ATT, 65 DEF, 65 HP[/cell]
    [cell color="#C9C9C9"]Superior Diamond[/cell]
    [cell padding="2px 0 2px 20px" color="#C9C9C9"]400 ATT, 50 M.ATT, 50 DEF, 50 HP[/cell]
    [cell]Fine Diamond[/cell]
    [cell padding="2px 0 2px 20px"]237 ATT, 35 M.ATT, 35 DEF, 35 HP[/cell]
    [cell color="#C9C9C9"]Diamond[/cell]
    [cell padding="2px 0 2px 20px" color="#C9C9C9"]112 ATT, 20 M.ATT, 20 DEF, 20 HP[/cell]
    [cell]Flawed Diamond[/cell]
    [cell padding="2px 0 2px 20px"]67 ATT, 14 M.ATT, 14 DEF, 14 HP[/cell]
    [cell color="transparent" background="transparent"]Break[/cell]
    [cell color="transparent" background="transparent"]Break[/cell]
    [cell]Exquisite Sapphire[/cell]
    [cell padding="2px 0 2px 20px"]65 ATT, 575 M.ATT, 70 DEF, 70 HP[/cell]
    [cell color="#C9C9C9"]Superior Sapphire[/cell]
    [cell padding="2px 0 2px 20px" color="#C9C9C9"]50 ATT, 400 M.ATT, 55 DEF, 55 HP[/cell]
    [cell]Fine Sapphire[/cell]
    [cell padding="2px 0 2px 20px"]35 ATT, 237 M.ATT, 40 DEF, 40 HP[/cell]
    [cell color="#C9C9C9"]Sapphire[/cell]
    [cell padding="2px 0 2px 20px" color="#C9C9C9"]20 ATT, 112 M.ATT, 25 DEF, 25 HP[/cell]
    [cell]Flawed Sapphire[/cell]
    [cell padding="2px 0 2px 20px"]14 ATT, 67 M.ATT, 16 DEF, 16 HP[/cell]
    [cell color="transparent" background="transparent"]Break[/cell]
    [cell color="transparent" background="transparent"]Break[/cell]
    [cell]Exquisite Emerald[/cell]
    [cell padding="2px 0 2px 20px"]65 ATT, 65 M.ATT, 637 DEF, 65 HP[/cell]
    [cell color="#C9C9C9"]Superior Emerald[/cell]
    [cell padding="2px 0 2px 20px" color="#C9C9C9"]50 ATT, 50 M.ATT, 462 DEF, 50 HP[/cell]
    [cell]Fine Emerald[/cell]
    [cell padding="2px 0 2px 20px"]35 ATT, 35 M.ATT, 300 DEF, 35 HP[/cell]
    [cell color="#C9C9C9"]Emerald[/cell]
    [cell padding="2px 0 2px 20px" color="#C9C9C9"]20 ATT, 20 M.ATT, 137 DEF, 20 HP[/cell]
    [cell]Flawed Emerald[/cell]
    [cell padding="2px 0 2px 20px"]14 ATT, 14 M.ATT, 82 DEF, 14 HP[/cell]
    [cell color="transparent" background="transparent"]Break[/cell]
    [cell color="transparent" background="transparent"]Break[/cell]
    [cell]Exquisite Ruby[/cell]
    [cell padding="2px 0 2px 20px"]65 ATT, 65 M.ATT, 65 DEF, 650 HP[/cell]
    [cell color="#C9C9C9"]Superior Ruby[/cell]
    [cell padding="2px 0 2px 20px" color="#C9C9C9"]50 ATT, 50 M.ATT, 50 DEF, 475 HP[/cell]
    [cell]Fine Ruby[/cell]
    [cell padding="2px 0 2px 20px"]35 ATT, 35 M.ATT, 35 DEF, 312 HP[/cell]
    [cell color="#C9C9C9"]Ruby[/cell]
    [cell padding="2px 0 2px 20px" color="#C9C9C9"]20 ATT, 20 M.ATT, 20 DEF, 162 HP[/cell]
    [cell]Flawed Ruby[/cell]
    [cell padding="2px 0 2px 20px"]14 ATT, 14 M.ATT, 14 DEF, 97 HP[/cell]

    With this information, hopefully it will be easier to decide which gems are worthwhile to buy/use, and which are a bit too expensive for what they offer. If the exact middle ranges are not representative of your experiences with gems, and you have used a lot of them, please leave a reply here.

    Last edited by Shippuu on Tue May 21, 2019 5:59 am; edited 5 times in total
    That Guy
    Server :
    • NA East

    IGN : Shippuu
    Posts : 359
    Joined : 2015-12-17

    Bracelet Gem Stats Empty Re: Bracelet Gem Stats

    Post by Shippuu Mon Jan 28, 2019 6:20 am

    Exquisite tier gems came with Gold Bracelets this month, and we don't yet know their maximums. When we do know their maximums I will update my tables in the main post with them, but until then, I will just be keeping unformatted notes here and in Discord on the max rolls I have seen so far.

    Diamond - 719
    Sapphire - 709
    Emerald - 808
    Ruby - 808

    Secondary rolls - 94

    Current speculations purely by data:
    Secondary rolls cap at 95 or 100
    Diamond/Sapphire cap at 750
    Ruby/Emerald cap at 850

    Current personal speculations:
    Secondary rolls cap at 95 or 100
    Diamond/Sapphire cap at 750 or 800
    Ruby/Emerald cap at 850, or 900

      Current date/time is Sat Jul 27, 2024 3:49 am