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    The 'Odds' / Relative Difficulty of Achieving Specific Power Infusion Results?

    Posts : 22
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    The 'Odds' / Relative Difficulty of Achieving Specific Power Infusion Results? Empty The 'Odds' / Relative Difficulty of Achieving Specific Power Infusion Results?

    Post by boddole Thu Nov 17, 2016 8:25 am

    I was making some builds with the Armory and when going through possible infusion results this question came to mind: Has anyone got an idea of the relative odds of achieving a certain result? Or more specifically, if anyone has 'figured out' if say, getting +2 Balance is harder to get than +1 Attack Speed (which would make +1 Balance either equivalent in odds or 'easier' to get than +1 AS based on that comparison)?

    Basically I'm looking ahead and trying to figure out if certain results (+2 Bal or +1 AS in my case) have significantly different odds and based on those decide how I should prioritize gear based stats. Any ideas are appreciated.
    That Guy
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    IGN : Shippuu
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    The 'Odds' / Relative Difficulty of Achieving Specific Power Infusion Results? Empty Re: The 'Odds' / Relative Difficulty of Achieving Specific Power Infusion Results?

    Post by Shippuu Thu Nov 17, 2016 8:31 am

    ATT, M.ATT, Balance, Critical, and Attack Speed have equal odds on items that do not have any of those stats.

    I'm not certain the actual odds of these, but making a rough attempt at reading the table, those stats all share a 0.2% chance in that scenario.

    The roll the stat has is calculated after the stat is determined, so that won't play any role in balancing out odds (unless you want +3, which is probably one in ten thousand or something).
    Posts : 22
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    The 'Odds' / Relative Difficulty of Achieving Specific Power Infusion Results? Empty Re: The 'Odds' / Relative Difficulty of Achieving Specific Power Infusion Results?

    Post by boddole Thu Nov 17, 2016 2:11 pm

    Very interesting, thanks for the information, though I do have a few follow up questions:

    "ATT, M.ATT, Balance, Critical, and Attack Speed have equal odds on items that do not have any of those stats."
    -And if the gear piece does have one or both of those stats? And are scroll factored in?

    "those stats all share a 0.2% chance in that scenario"
    -Wow, that's terrible...

    "The roll the stat has is calculated after the stat is determined, so that won't play any role in balancing out odds"
    -I don't quite follow what you mean there. The way I'm thinking about it that if you wanted AS and that stat was selected, you have a 50/50 chance of getting it (the 'max value'). Bal on the other hand gives a 1/4 chance of obtaining the max roll, so that would mean you would expect to need twice as many attempts with Bal to get the roll you want (which is significant due to the low chance of getting Bal in the first place). Could you elaborate a bit more on what you mean?
    That Guy
    Server :
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    IGN : Shippuu
    Posts : 359
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    The 'Odds' / Relative Difficulty of Achieving Specific Power Infusion Results? Empty Re: The 'Odds' / Relative Difficulty of Achieving Specific Power Infusion Results?

    Post by Shippuu Thu Nov 17, 2016 2:21 pm

    In order:

    1: I don't know. The exact amount would vary depending on the item, but on something such as a White Kitty Brooch, I'd approximate +1 Attack Speed would jump to 6% maybe? These are blind approximations for now, there is no actual study into how the values are actually calculated. I simply have them, with no understanding of how to read them.

    2: Referring to above, I actually just realized that the number I gave was inaccurate. It is going to vary for the same reasons, and I forgot to account for this. Using an item that only has Str/Agi/Int/Wil as reference, I'd estimate 0.3%. Again, these being blind estimations based on an assumption of how the calculation is done.

    3: Infusion goes like this:
    First: Determine which type of outcome you are given: Raise existing stat, lower existing stat, apply new stat
    Second: Determine the specific stat you are given
    Third: Determine the roll you are given

    Your original question was about the second step, but seemed to imply that you believe the third could make a difference in overall outcomes. Attack Speed, when positive, is always +1. Balance, when positive, is nearly always +2. In miraculous scenarios, it will roll +1 and troll the owner of the item. Theoretically, it should be capable of rolling +3, but I haven't seen an instance of it yet.

    Because it is basically always +2, you should be assuming it as always +2, just as speed is always +1. A value of +1 or +3 is so exceptionally rare that it isn't worth the extra work to calculate for it.
    Posts : 22
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    The 'Odds' / Relative Difficulty of Achieving Specific Power Infusion Results? Empty Re: The 'Odds' / Relative Difficulty of Achieving Specific Power Infusion Results?

    Post by boddole Thu Nov 17, 2016 3:17 pm

    "seemed to imply that you believe the third could make a difference in overall outcomes"
    -I did, just figured that the better numbers would be harder to attain. Thank you for clearing that up.

    With the scroll event coming up I'm just trying to figure out which enchants to put on my gear based on the most likely outcomes on infusion (as far as that stats that I want are concerned, down the road), though it sounds like there won't be much difference because aside from Innocent Cry favoring Crit and White Kitty favoring AS, all the other pieces are 'neutral' as far as favoring Bal/AS.
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