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    Dressing Room Part 3

    That Guy
    Server :
    • NA East

    IGN : Shippuu
    Posts : 359
    Joined : 2015-12-17

    Dressing Room Part 3 Empty Dressing Room Part 3

    Post by Shippuu Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:39 am

    In June 2020, KR is getting a third expansion to the Dressing Room (Wardrobe in NA). We should be getting this update around October at current pattern. Unlike Part 2, no major features are coming to the Wardrobe.

    Functionality is added to use expiring items in the Wardrobe and in Appearance Presets. You will be able to preview Rear and Tail slot items that you do not own. You will be able to preview the new eye items that we don't yet have. Finally, the tab for unowned outfit parts is being subdivided by slot, in the same way that your owned outfit parts are.

    The new Wardrobe Skills, and their requirements, are as follows:

    [table2 width="475px"]
    [title]Dressing Room 3, Wardrobe Skills[/title]
    [cell color="#E3C765"]Wardrobe Skill[/cell]
    [cell color="#E3C765"]Requirement[/cell]
    [cell color="#7845AF"]Emblem: Bear Brooch[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#7845AF"]1085[/cell]
    [cell color="#7845AF"]Emblem: Turtle Brooch[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#7845AF"]1685[/cell]
    [cell color="#D2D2D2"]Title 1[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#D2D2D2"]1950[/cell]
    [cell color="#558891"]Premium Dye Ampoule Quantity Limit Increase 4[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#558891"]2400[/cell]
    [cell color="#D2D2D2"]Title 2[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#D2D2D2"]2400[/cell]
    [cell color="#337F33"]Emote: Balloon Chair[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#337F33"]2550[/cell]
    [cell color="#7845AF"]Emblem: Fish Brooch[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#7845AF"]2785[/cell]
    [cell color="#D2D2D2"]Title 3[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#D2D2D2"]2850[/cell]
    [cell color="#558891"]Premium Dye Ampoule Quantity Limit Increase 5[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#558891"]2900[/cell]
    [cell color="#337F33"]Emote: Flowering[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#337F33"]3110[/cell]
    [cell color="#A92828"]Avatar Cloning Box 6[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#A92828"]3250[/cell]
    [cell color="#D2D2D2"]Title 4[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#D2D2D2"]3300[/cell]
    [cell color="#337F33"]Emote: Bubbles[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#337F33"]3650[/cell]
    [cell color="#A92828"]Avatar Cloning Box 7[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#A92828"]3750[/cell]
    [cell color="#A92828"]Avatar Cloning Box 8[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center" color="#A92828"]4250[/cell]

    In addition to these, there are 12 more Appearance Preset slots being added, raising the max to 36, but I don't yet know their requirements, and I don't want to be tempted to guess them, as I would if I added them now.

    This inven user has posted a thread with gifs of the new emotes, per gender

    Similarly, this inven user has posted a thread showing the new titles and emblems

      Current date/time is Fri Jul 26, 2024 11:04 pm