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    KR Game Update [10/19 on Test, 11/3 Live Server]

    That Guy
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    IGN : Shippuu
    Posts : 359
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    KR Game Update [10/19 on Test, 11/3 Live Server] Empty KR Game Update [10/19 on Test, 11/3 Live Server]

    Post by Shippuu Mon Oct 24, 2016 6:13 am

    The patch notes: http://heroes.nexon.com/news/update/view?postno=758

    It seems like basically no information has been gathered about this update, which stuns me. I tried to compile together everything discussed on various places before today (while I was out of town last week), and found basically nothing. I will of course update this post as more info is found, but this is all there is known so far:

    * Broken equipment has been removed from all drop tables. It will no longer pollute the loot pool.

    * Proficiency/Mastery skill ranks rebalanced to no longer have empty ranks
    * Cap reduced from r5 -> r8, spent AP will be returned

    Composite System:
    * Purple mats all unified to the highest tier (Max +10, 4*, r8)

    * Several small changes to individual things, not sure of any of them.

    Enchant Scroll Changes:

    72 Enchant Scrolls have been discontinued. These ES will continue to exist (I believe), but it will become impossible to obtain them from this point forward. Most noteworthy on this list, the r9 shield scroll Tricky has been discontinued.

    Discontinued ES:

    Further, 30 ES have been given lower ranks:

    [table2 width="350px"]
    [title]New Enchant Scroll Ranks[/title]
    [cell color="#E3C765"]ES Name[/cell]
    [cell color="#E3C765" text-align="center"]Old Rank[/cell]
    [cell color="#E3C765" text-align="center"]New Rank[/cell]
    [cell padding="0 0 0 8px"]Berserker[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]9[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]A[/cell]
    [cell padding="0 0 0 8px"]Divine Punishment[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]9[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]A[/cell]
    [cell padding="0 0 0 8px"]Maelstrom[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]9[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]A[/cell]
    [cell padding="0 0 0 8px"]Sentinel[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]9[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]A[/cell]
    [cell padding="0 0 0 8px"]Solid[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]9[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]A[/cell]
    [cell padding="0 0 0 8px"]Tutelary[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]9[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]A[/cell]
    [cell padding="0 0 0 8px"]Warlord's[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]9[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]A[/cell]
    [cell padding="0 0 0 8px"]Diamond[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]9[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]B[/cell]
    [cell padding="0 0 0 8px"]Dominance[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]9[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]B[/cell]
    [cell padding="0 0 0 8px"]Fleet[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]9[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]B[/cell]
    [cell padding="0 0 0 8px"]Twinkling[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]9[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]B[/cell]
    [cell background="#1E282D" color="#1E282D"]Spacer[/cell]
    [cell background="#1E282D" color="#1E282D"]9[/cell]
    [cell background="#1E282D" color="#1E282D"]9[/cell]
    [cell padding="0 0 0 8px"]Brave[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]A[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]B[/cell]
    [cell padding="0 0 0 8px"]Impending[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]A[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]B[/cell]
    [cell padding="0 0 0 8px"]Sage's[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]A[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]B[/cell]
    [cell padding="0 0 0 8px"]Brilliance[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]A[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]C[/cell]
    [cell padding="0 0 0 8px"]Destiny[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]A[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]C[/cell]
    [cell padding="0 0 0 8px"]Fateful[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]A[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]C[/cell]
    [cell padding="0 0 0 8px"]Gallant[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]A[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]C[/cell]
    [cell padding="0 0 0 8px"]Oblivion[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]A[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]C[/cell]
    [cell padding="0 0 0 8px"]Rage[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]A[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]C[/cell]
    [cell padding="0 0 0 8px"]Resilient[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]A[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]C[/cell]
    [cell padding="0 0 0 8px"]Stone[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]A[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]C[/cell]
    [cell padding="0 0 0 8px"]Prideful[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]A[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]D[/cell]
    [cell padding="0 0 0 8px"]Balanced[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]A[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]E[/cell]
    [cell padding="0 0 0 8px"]Rounded[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]A[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]E[/cell]
    [cell background="#1E282D" color="#1E282D"]Spacer[/cell]
    [cell background="#1E282D" color="#1E282D"]A[/cell]
    [cell background="#1E282D" color="#1E282D"]A[/cell]
    [cell padding="0 0 0 8px"]Enduring[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]B[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]C[/cell]
    [cell padding="0 0 0 8px"]Resolve[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]B[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]F[/cell]
    [cell background="#1E282D" color="#1E282D"]Spacer[/cell]
    [cell background="#1E282D" color="#1E282D"]B[/cell]
    [cell background="#1E282D" color="#1E282D"]B[/cell]
    [cell padding="0 0 0 8px"]Striking[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]C[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]F[/cell]
    [cell background="#1E282D" color="#1E282D"]Spacer[/cell]
    [cell background="#1E282D" color="#1E282D"]C[/cell]
    [cell background="#1E282D" color="#1E282D"]C[/cell]
    [cell padding="0 0 0 8px"]Fury[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]D[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]B[/cell]
    [cell background="#1E282D" color="#1E282D"]Spacer[/cell]
    [cell background="#1E282D" color="#1E282D"]D[/cell]
    [cell background="#1E282D" color="#1E282D"]D[/cell]
    [cell padding="0 0 0 8px"]Rejuvenation[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]E[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]F[/cell]

    And as a final kicker, the max success chance of each ES rank has been increased as follows (minimum success chance is unchanged):

    [table2 width="300px"]
    [title]ES Max Success Chance[/title]
    [cell color="#E3C765"]Rank[/cell]
    [cell color="#E3C765" text-align="center"]Old Max[/cell]
    [cell color="#E3C765" text-align="center"]New Max[/cell]
    [cell padding="0 0 0 12px"]F[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]80[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]100[/cell]
    [cell padding="0 0 0 12px"]E[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]78[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]95[/cell]
    [cell padding="0 0 0 12px"]D[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]76[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]90[/cell]
    [cell padding="0 0 0 12px"]C[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]74[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]85[/cell]
    [cell padding="0 0 0 12px"]B[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]74[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]80[/cell]
    [cell padding="0 0 0 12px"]A[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]60[/cell]
    [cell text-align="center"]70[/cell]

    These scrolls have also had additional effects/stats applied to them:

    Armadillo (Random buff)

    Increases Critical Resistance by 50 for 60 seconds
    Trigger: 3% chance when taking a hit

    Chance (Flat stats)

    Critical Hits r7 or higher: +1 Balance
    Critical Hits r5 or higher: +2 Balance
    Critical Hits r3 or higher: +2 Balance
    (These are cumulative)

    Consistent (Random Buff)

    Generate 125 SP
    Trigger: 1% chance when attacking

    Extreme (Random Buff)

    Increases WIL by 1000 for 30 seconds
    Trigger: 10% chance when hitting an enemy? The KR text by the Inven poster stated "피격시 10%" which I can't quite interpret.

    Explosive (Random Buff)

    Increases Attack Speed by 3, and Critical by 4, for 30 seconds
    Trigger: 1.5% chance when attacking

    Resistant (Random Buff)

    Recover 50 HP per second for 10 seconds
    Trigger: 3% chance when taking a hit

    Last edited by Shippuu on Thu Nov 03, 2016 12:00 pm; edited 5 times in total
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    KR Game Update [10/19 on Test, 11/3 Live Server] Empty Re: KR Game Update [10/19 on Test, 11/3 Live Server]

    Post by Enigma Mon Oct 24, 2016 7:27 am

    Not familar with db3 file, but gonna just add minor details to the note (from Chinese Site):

    Enchant Changes:
    -Majority of scrolls under rank B (for example, Goblin, Yeti) will no longer drop. These scrolls will now be rank F (if you have these before the update.

    Only these rank B or lower scroll remain intact:
     rF: Zeal
     rE: Rejuvenation 
     rD: Fury (changed to rB), Chaos
     rC: Striking (Hammer suffix), Soldier(pvp), Knight(pvp)
     rB: Enduring (changed to rC), Resolve(?), Bishop, Rook

    Rank Change to Existing Scrolls:
    KR Game Update [10/19 on Test, 11/3 Live Server] QyD02U3

    r9 to rA: 

    Divine Punishment
    r9 to rB:

    rA to rB:
    rA to rC:

    Additional Effect to following rank 8 Enchant Scrolls:
    KR Game Update [10/19 on Test, 11/3 Live Server] QY7xfh6

    Have a Chance to Increase Critical Resistance by 50%(60s)
    ChanceCritical Hit Rank 7: Bal +1
    Critical Hit Rank 5: Bal +2
    Critical Hit Rank 3: Bal +2
    ExtremeHave a Chance to Increase Willpower by 1k(30s)
    ExplosiveHave a Chance to Increase ATS by 4 and Crit by 3 (30s)
    ResistantHave a Chance to Recover 50 HP every second (10s)
    ConsistentHave a Chance to heal 125 SP while attacking 
    Enchant Success Rate Change:
    KR Game Update [10/19 on Test, 11/3 Live Server] NSSrNB5

    Composite System:
    Existing purple mat before this update will remain unchanged.
    That Guy
    Server :
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    IGN : Shippuu
    Posts : 359
    Joined : 2015-12-17

    KR Game Update [10/19 on Test, 11/3 Live Server] Empty Re: KR Game Update [10/19 on Test, 11/3 Live Server]

    Post by Shippuu Thu Nov 03, 2016 12:06 pm

    As of 11/3, this update has gone live on KR.

    It seems all listed changes have been retained, plus some extras.

    Enhancement Changes

    Enhancement penalties have been reduced for items below Lv.90, from +4 all the way up to +10.

    The required amount of Enhancement Stones has not changed, but the amount of required Enhancement Elixirs and Gold for enhancing gear below Lv.90 has been dramatically reduced at all enhancement levels.

    To try to summarize the changes:

    For Lv.60-80 equipment

    Failing 1-4 has no penalty, failing 5-7 will lower it one enhancement rank, failing 8-10 will reset enhancement.

    For Lv.50-59 equipment

    Failing 1-5 has no penalty, failing 6-9 will lower it one enhancement rank, failing 10 will reset enhancement. Elixirs are not required until attempting +10.

    For ~Lv.11-49 equipment (Approx?)

    Failing 1-6 has no penalty, failing 7-10 will lower it one enhancement rank. Elixirs are not required until attempting +11.

    For ~Lv.1-10 equipment (Approx?)

    Failing 1-7 has no penalty, failing 8-10 will lower it one enhancement rank. Elixirs are not required until attempting +11.

    To dispel any rumors before they form, enhancement success rates are UNCHANGED.

    Beauty Shop Changes

    Something about more inners/hairs being available to characters instead of restricted. Need more info.

    Other Content

    There is now a quest that has you literally play as Ceara. It is done with an item in your Quest tab, and that's about all I know about it. She plays like a Fiona, supposedly.

    Muir has been nerfed. When his HP is below a certain value, he will cliff himself, or something like that.

    More specific information coming as I work it out.
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    KR Game Update [10/19 on Test, 11/3 Live Server] Empty Re: KR Game Update [10/19 on Test, 11/3 Live Server]

    Post by Gewelle Sat Nov 05, 2016 8:19 am

    "For Lv.60-80 equipment

    Failing 1-4 has no penalty, failing 5-7 will lower it one enhancement rank, failing 8-10 will reset enhancement."

    Glad they finally done something like this, even if that gear is kind of obsolete, it's still a nice addition. (can clear s2 raids and all the rest with a good enhanced lv80 weapon and good to go)
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    KR Game Update [10/19 on Test, 11/3 Live Server] Empty Re: KR Game Update [10/19 on Test, 11/3 Live Server]

    Post by Apostate Sat Nov 05, 2016 11:52 am

    Anything in regards to the shared title count feature? I'm wondering if it encompasses all titles under the "ID Title" tab or more. Also, are event titles going to be counted towards the shared titles?
    That Guy
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    IGN : Shippuu
    Posts : 359
    Joined : 2015-12-17

    KR Game Update [10/19 on Test, 11/3 Live Server] Empty Re: KR Game Update [10/19 on Test, 11/3 Live Server]

    Post by Shippuu Mon Nov 07, 2016 12:48 am

    Apostate wrote:Anything in regards to the shared title count feature? I'm wondering if it encompasses all titles under the "ID Title" tab or more. Also, are event titles going to be counted towards the shared titles?

    Checking large amounts of titles is a royal pain due to how titles are handled in the client (they are seven digit numbers internally), so I have not individually checked a large amount of titles, however:

    The KR client lists 1515 titles (keeping in mind lots will be unused/etc), and only 517 of those are able to be shared. Going by this, I can safely say that no, it does not share all titles.

    I checked two event titles as a general reference (along with skimming description IDs for _event_) and saw zero titles that could be shared. Again, going by this, it seems that event titles are not shared.
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    KR Game Update [10/19 on Test, 11/3 Live Server] Empty Re: KR Game Update [10/19 on Test, 11/3 Live Server]

    Post by Apostate Mon Nov 07, 2016 10:02 pm

    Thank you for clearing that up. It's a shame that event titles probably won't be counted, I was hoping that titles such as "Gold-Plated Guardian" would be counted.

    The reason why I asked if it would include all and/or most titles is primarily because I've noticed one peculiarity in my "ID Titles" tab. The Free Match titles are considered "shared titles" for whatever reason. The problem I have with this is that the titles you can attain in that quest line are entirely variable. I would have expected quest titles that can vary depending on your choice to be omitted from the shared count, and not vice versa. Because of this, it led me to wonder whether all titles under the ID Title tab would be factored into the shared title count, or more/less than that. Other harder-to-get titles, such as Thousandaire, would be what I'd expect to be shared, mostly because of the mind-numbing grind that is associated with that title.
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    KR Game Update [10/19 on Test, 11/3 Live Server] Empty Re: KR Game Update [10/19 on Test, 11/3 Live Server]

    Post by Sponsored content

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